Sunday, April 5, 2015

reflections on Easter morning

Is it possible for each of us to embrace our differences? Is there room enough in this world to allow space for each of us to live our lives according to our values and beliefs and to allow others the same choice? That is what I wish for. Since the beginning of mankind, people have been at war with each other pretty consistently. History books are filled with data and stories of various groups of people fighting against another group of people because of opposing views. We only have a limited time here on earth.
It is too bad that not everyone is on board to do their very best. In fact, some people are determined to do their very worst. The human mind is truly mindboggling at times.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

tolerance at work

I did not put much effort into learning about Unions before I decided they were not for me. While I held zero animosity for those who chose to join, it was obvious that those in the union held a grudge towards me. I think this is wrong on so many levels as we live in a free country. Enough said on that!

sometimes my perspective gets in the way

Sometimes, when things in my life don't all line up, I can feel bogged down.  At these times, things just seem a little off to me.  It is not a comfortable feeling and can be hard to shake. At times like this, I need to remind myself that, even my perspective can be off.  Makes sense, doesn't it? I mean, truthfully, I view my own perspective to be pretty spot on! I admit, I could be bias. But, my perspective comes from my thoughtful consideration of any and all angles that I am inclined to think of.  Here is where I see there could be a problem if things are not all lined up. Well, if I am somewhat bogged down and somewhat uncomfortable in my I truly considering all angles? THINK...could my perspective be off? I know it has been this week.  I did feel all those things. I did make a decision according to my perspective. and you know what I discovered? I made the wrong decision AND my perspective was off. so, there you go. Thankfully, it wasn't a life changing decision and I can give more consideration to things next time.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

too many have left the earth

There comes to a point in life when you are somewhat haunted by the amount of people you have known in this lifetime that have passed on. At least this has happened to me lately. I am overcome with the sadness of never being in their presence again. It is not a crying type sadness but, more of a what-the-heck-is-life-all-about-anyways type of sadness. I mean we live and grow with hopes and dreams in those younger years. As the years pass us by we live and learn so much along the way.  Then, suddenly, (it seems) our elders disappear and we...we are the elders. It happens rather unexpectantly, as, try as we might, we cannot prepare for the accumulation of all these deaths and the toll it takes on our life prospective. Yet, we can overcome and rise above this ongoing fact of life. We know that after more time has passed, we will certainly be grounded again and absorbed in our lives. But, for right feels heavy and exhausting and serious. A positive attitude is in order and I will keep searching for it until I find it once again.....and I will hold on to it for dear life!