Sunday, January 22, 2017

Politics Smallitics

People who do not want you to judge them are okay with judging you! They shout out for their rights but, forget you also have the same human rights. Both political parties are accusing the other side of exactly the same things they do themselves. It seems that people who are most vocal and want to be heard, have zero tolerance to hear people who have opposing views. Can we no longer look at ourselves and how our behavior may be contributing to the problem? or are we so closed minded now that we can not bear to allow other people to have opinions....right or wrong. What ever happened to taking the high road, stepping up, working things out, respecting ideas outside of our own beliefs. We should be mindful of how we portray ourselves for the world to see. We ought to be the best role models for those younger eyes and ears who are no longer out of the loop because of technology..

Sunday, January 8, 2017


Everyone is in a family for a reason. Share your similarities and learn from your differences. That is love ❤️