Years ago this was considered the "land of opportunity". Anyone who was motivated and had a passion to succeed had a fair chance of creating a nice life for themselves. The great part was that even if you came from a terrible childhood, you could have the hope of someday getting out on your own and creating a better life. The key ingredient to furthering yourself in this Capitalist society was working hard. This included putting in a full day's work, being responsible and being reliable and paying taxes to promote a better environment for all. The premise was that you could make things better for yourself and your family if you put in the effort and had the mindset to better your life. Many people saw success and moved up in positions at work. They took on leadership roles which nearly always included more work for them, too. This was my perspective of working in the US years ago.
Well, things have changed! I don't think the changes have been for the better. First, I have to mention that Capitalism has become a really bad word?? Today, many people think that Capitalism only means the very, very rich whom they refer to as the 1%. Capitalism no longer includes those "little" businesses, in people's minds. and....many want to get rid of this bad Capitalism because it's just not fair that the rich have all the money. Nowadays, fairness is top priority. People now think we should share the wealth. People are in the mindset that no one should be matter how they came upon the money! People think that the people with less money should dictate how the people with more money shall spend their money, more fairly. And, people with less money are expecting that money to come to them.
On a small scale, this affects me because I do work hard. I am responsible. I am reliable. I pay my taxes and I want a good life for my family. I consistently give both my time and money to those in need, as I see fit. I recognize there are a plethora of needs and I am not able to meet all of them. But, people!!... this giving is after the 3rd of my income I have already given to taxes to help take care of the needs in our country. Oh, and I really do not like people to tell me how to spend my money that I earned. They should have their focus on their own money instead.Just my thoughts today